Lighthouse RE & Legal Services

Qualifying for a Capital Gains Reduction in Mexico: A Detailed Guide

Oct 18, 2023

Qualifying for a Capital Gains Reduction in Mexico: A Detailed Guide

If you are a property owner in Mexico and are planning to sell your property, it is important to understand the capital gains tax implications. However, the good news is that there are ways to qualify for a capital gains reduction in Mexico. In this detailed guide, we will walk you through the requirements and steps to take advantage of this opportunity.

Understanding Capital Gains Tax in Mexico

Capital gains tax is a tax imposed on the profit made from the sale of an asset, such as real estate. In Mexico, the capital gains tax rate is generally 20% of the profit. However, there are certain circumstances that may allow you to reduce this tax burden.

Steps to Qualify for a Capital Gains Reduction

Temporary Residency:

Importance: Holding a temporary residency for at least three years and the duration the property is held, is the foundational requirement to be eligible for a capital gains reduction. This status indicates that you have a legal and recognized presence in Mexico, which can affect various financial and legal matters, including taxation.

Acquiring Temporary Residency: The process involves submitting an application, providing necessary documentation, and meeting specific criteria set by the Mexican immigration authorities. The duration of a temporary residency visa can range from one year to four years.

How Lighthouse Can Help: If you're unfamiliar with the process or find it daunting, organizations like Lighthouse offer guidance and assistance in navigating the residency application process, ensuring that all requirements are met and paperwork is correctly filed.

Holding Period

►  Visa Duration: Before you can benefit from the capital gains reduction, you must hold your temporary residency visa for at least three years. This duration ensures a level of commitment and stability in the country.

►  Property Ownership: Similarly, the property you intend to sell should have been under your ownership for a minimum of three years. This stipulation is in place to discourage rapid buying and selling, which can destabilize the real estate market.

Type of Property:

►  Residential Requirement: The property in question must be residential. This means it's designed for people to live in, as opposed to commercial properties or land meant for development. The rationale behind this is to provide tax relief to individuals selling their homes, rather than businesses or investors dealing in commercial real estate.

►  Verification: Typically, the property's classification as residential can be verified through property deeds, utility bills, or other official documents.

Property Value:

►  Minimum Value: The property you're selling should have a value of at least $300,000 USD. This threshold ensures that the capital gains reduction applies to properties of significant value, potentially targeting middle to upper-tier real estate transactions.

►  Valuation: It's crucial to get an official valuation of the property to determine its market value. This can be done through certified professionals or institutions that specialize in property valuation in Mexico.


The reduction max is $5,000,000 pesos per owner of the property.  This means if more than one owner, each owner is eligible for a reduction of their captial gains.  So, depending on the value of the property, time held and resulting profit and number of owners, the reduction can be sizeable.  Message us via WhatsApp to get more information.

Age and Disability

Mexico provides additional capital gains reductions for individuals who are 65 years or older, or who have a disability. If you meet either of these criteria, you may be eligible for a reduction of up to 1,000,000 pesos (approximately $50,000 USD).


Qualifying for a capital gains reduction in Mexico can significantly reduce your tax liability when selling a property. By understanding the eligibility requirements and following the necessary steps, you can take advantage of these opportunities and maximize your financial gains. Remember, consulting with a tax professional is crucial to ensure compliance with Mexican tax laws and optimize your tax situation.  Message us via WhatsApp to get more information.