Lighthouse RE & Legal Services

Investment Entities in Meixco

Nov 01, 2023

Investment entities in Mexico encompass a diverse range of structures designed to facilitate and promote investment in various sectors including real estate, equity markets, and private companies. These entities offer different levels of flexibility, governance structures, and investment focuses, catering to a wide array of investor preferences and strategies. They are regulated under Mexican law to ensure transparency and protect investor interests, and they often provide opportunities for portfolio diversification and potential capital growth. From trusts focusing on real estate investments to corporations promoting private equity investments, these entities play a crucial role in fostering economic growth and development in the country.

Investment Promotion Corporations (Sociedades Anónimas Promotoras de Inversión - SAPI):

     Description: These are corporations designed to promote investment and can be used as a vehicle for private equity and venture capital investments. They offer flexible corporate governance arrangements and minority shareholder protections.

Investment Funds (Fondos de Inversión):

     Description: These are funds that pool capital from various investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets. They can be categorized into equity funds, debt funds, real estate funds, etc. They are regulated by the Mexican Securities Market Law.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (Fideicomisos de Inversión en Bienes Raíces - FIBRAs):

     Description: These are trusts that invest primarily in real estate. They allow investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of real estate assets, providing a way to earn rental income and potential capital appreciation. They are listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange.

Investment Companies with Variable Capital (Sociedades de Inversión de Capital Variable - SICAV):

     Description: These are investment companies that allow for a variable capital structure, providing flexibility in the management of the investment portfolio. They can invest in a wide range of assets, including stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Master Limited Partnerships (Sociedades Anónimas Bursátiles de Capital Variable - SAB de CV):

     Description: These are partnerships that are traded on the stock exchange, combining the tax benefits of a partnership with the liquidity of publicly traded securities. They are often used for investments in energy and infrastructure projects.

Private Equity Trusts (Fideicomisos de Inversión en Capital Privado - FICAP):

Description: These are trusts designed to facilitate private equity investments. They allow for investments in non-publicly traded companies, offering a way to participate in the potential growth of these companies.

Retirement Fund Management Companies (Administradoras de Fondos para el Retiro - AFOREs):

     Description: These are companies that manage the retirement savings of Mexican workers. They invest in a diversified portfolio of assets to generate returns for the retirement savings of their clients.Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs):

     Description: These are companies that are formed to raise capital through an initial public offering (IPO) for the purpose of acquiring an existing company. They have become a popular investment vehicle globally, including in Mexico.

It's important to note that the regulatory environment and the availability of these entities can change, so it's recommended to consult with a legal or financial advisor for the most current information.