Lighthouse RE & Legal Services

Acquiring Trusts for Properties in Mexico.

Jul 12, 2023

Enhanced Security for Foreigners: Acquiring Fideicomisos (Trusts) for Properties in Mexico.


In recent years, Mexico has emerged as an attractive destination for foreigners seeking to invest in real estate. Mexico's coastlines, offer an array of opportunities for property ownership and development. However, one question that often arises among prospective foreign investors is regarding the security of their property rights. To address these concerns, Mexico has established a legal framework that allows foreigners to acquire properties through a secure mechanism called "fideicomiso".

Understanding the Fideicomiso:

A fideicomiso is a trust agreement governed by Mexican law, designed to facilitate the acquisition of property by foreigners in borders and sea coasts. The fideicomiso allows a foreigner to hold legal title to a property, while a Mexican bank acts as the trustee, holding the property on behalf of the beneficiary (foreign investor). This legal arrangement grants foreigners similar rights and protections as Mexican citizens, ensuring a secure and transparent process for property ownership.

Enhanced Security through Fideicomisos:

  • Legal Protection:

The fideicomiso structure provides legal protection to foreign investors, safeguarding their property rights in Mexico. The trust agreement is executed before a Mexican Notary Public and registered with the Public Registry of Property, providing irrefutable evidence of the foreign investor's ownership. This legal framework offers certainty and protection against potential disputes, ensuring that the property is duly recognized and respected under Mexican law.

  • Property Control and Administration:

As the beneficiary of the fideicomiso, the foreign investor retains full control and management of the property. They have the right to occupy, rent, lease, sell, or bequeath the property, just like any Mexican property owner. The trustee, typically a reputable Mexican bank, acts as a fiduciary, ensuring the foreign investor's interests are protected and property-related obligations are fulfilled.

  • Renewal and Transferability:

Fideicomisos for properties have a maximum term of 50 years, renewable for additional 50-year periods. This renewal provision offers long-term security and allows foreign investors to plan and maintain control over their property investments. Moreover, the fideicomiso can be transferred or sold to another foreign investor, making it a flexible and transferable asset.

  • Trustee Oversight:

The involvement of a trusted Mexican bank as the trustee adds an extra layer of security to the fideicomiso structure. The bank's role is to ensure compliance with legal requirements, act as a custodian of property-related documents, and oversee the fiduciary duties. This oversight minimizes the risk of fraud or mismanagement, providing foreign investors with peace of mind.


Foreigners looking to invest in properties in Mexico can enjoy enhanced security through the acquisition of fideicomisos. This legal mechanism, governed by Mexican law, offers a transparent and protected means of property ownership.

With the assurance of legal recognition, property control, long-term renewal options, and trustee oversight, foreign investors can confidently engage in real estate transactions in Mexico.

Contact us in Lighthouse, as you specialized lawyer in Mexican immigration and Real Estate law to ensure a smooth and secure acquisition process.