Lighthouse RE & Legal Services

Acquiring Real Estate Through a Mexican Anonymous Corporation

Oct 11, 2023

For many foreign investors, the allure of Mexico's pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and promising real estate market is undeniable. However, navigating the legalities of property ownership in Mexico, especially in the restricted zones, can seem daunting. That's where the option of acquiring real estate through a Mexican Anonymous Corporation, AC, becomes attractive. Let's dive into what this means, its benefits, and the processes involved.

What is an AC?

An Anonymous Corporation, or AC, is a legal entity established in Mexico that allows for the acquisition and ownership of real estate by foreign individuals or companies. It provides a layer of anonymity and protection for the investors, making it an attractive option for those looking to invest in Mexican real estate.

Types of Anonymous Corporation in Mexico:
►  Sociedad Anónima (S.A.): This is essentially a corporation where shareholders' liability is limited to their contribution. It's a common choice for both local and foreign investors.
►  Sociedad Anónima de Capital Variable (S.A. de C.V.): A variant of the S.A., this structure allows flexibility in terms of capital adjustments without needing a fresh incorporation act.

Both are fit for real estate acquisitions, but specific rules apply when foreign entities or individuals are part of the equation.

Benefits of Using an Anonymous Corporation in Real Estate Transactions:
►  Access to Restricted Zones: Foreigners can skirt around direct ownership restrictions in certain zones using an S.A. or S.A. de C.V.
►  Limited Liability: Personal assets stay protected, as liabilities are confined to the corporation.
►  Ownership Flexibility: Especially with an S.A. de C.V., capital structure adjustments are more straightforward.
►  Estate Planning and Continuity: A corporation offers a seamless transition of assets, even when a shareholder passes away.
►  Tax Planning: Some potential tax benefits can arise from corporate property ownership, though it's crucial to consult with tax experts for specific advice.
►  Professional Management: Expert management can be hired to oversee property assets.
►  Credibility Boost: In the eyes of local stakeholders, operating through a corporation can amplify credibility.

Requirements and Procedures to Establish an AC:
►  Name Approval: Submit at least three name options to the Ministry of Economy to get a unique corporate name.
►  Draft the Articles of Incorporation: Collaborate with a Mexican notary public to create this legal document.
►  Foreign Investment Registration: If there are foreign shareholders, registration with the National Registry of Foreign Investments is mandatory.
►  Bank Trust (Fideicomiso): For properties within the restricted zones, an additional bank trust might be required, even if owned by a corporation.
►  Operating License and Tax Registration: Obtain an operating license from the local municipality and register with the tax authorities.

Necessary Documents:
1.  Articles of Incorporation
2.  Proof of Name Approval
3.  IDs of Shareholders and Board Members
4.  Proof of Address for the Corporation
5.  Foreign Investment Registration (if applicable)
6.  Bank Trust Documents (for restricted zones)

Timelines and Costs:
Establishing an AC can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks. Costs can vary widely based on legal fees, notary charges, and other administrative expenses. Generally, one can anticipate costs ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 USD, though this is just an approximate range.

Tax Advantages:
While owning property through a corporation can provide some tax benefits, such as potential deductions related to property management or depreciation, it's essential to understand that corporations also have yearly tax obligations. Always consult with a local tax specialist to make the most of tax advantages while ensuring compliance.

In conclusion, while using a Mexican Anonymous Corporation can be a strategic move for foreign real estate investors, it's paramount to have the right guidance. At Lighthouse Real Estate and Legal Services, we pride ourselves on illuminating the path for our clients. Reach out to us for personalized advice and insights.